since 2016-10-04
- MIT ライセンス
CPython との違い
>>> import upip >>> upip.install("urllib.urequest") >>> from urllib import urequest >>> response = urequest.urlopen("http://example.jp/index.html") >>> print(response.read()) >>> response.close()
>>> import upip >>> upip.install("micropython-uaiohttpclient")
- 'pycopy-ulogging' が必要 https://www.reddit.com/r/esp32/comments/d2jlax/esp32_micropython_picoweb/
>>> import upip >>> upip.install("pycopy-ulogging") Installing to: /lib/ Installing pycopy-ulogging 0.3 from https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/56/85/47a6790260c85f0dad460124d1f9a6dbdaa0b0ac33b0ac89194f6f106276/pycopy-ulogging-0.3.tar.gz >>> upip.install("picoweb") Installing to: /lib/ Installing picoweb 1.8.2 from https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/c2/22/a1eb0cf52b72e818fe47acadaf8ade200d7c0c7c6fc5acc7b47f53f2a338/picoweb-1.8.2.tar.gz Installing pycopy-uasyncio 3.7 from https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/e5/58/80b8b403c52ea88d44844570dbe487d7a4b3045ae0ecad0c9f4dbac0d104/pycopy-uasyncio-3.7.tar.gz Installing pycopy-pkg_resources 0.2.1 from https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/05/4a/5481a3225d43195361695645d78f4439527278088c0822fadaaf2e93378c/pycopy-pkg_resources-0.2.1.tar.gz Installing pycopy-uasyncio.core 2.3.2 from https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/ca/b2/c5bba0bde7022b6d927a6144c026d7bf310d3f8a20e031571fbf1a08a433/pycopy-uasyncio.core-2.3.2.tar.gz
MicroPython 1.12 + ESP32 (2019)
since 2019-12-25
- 秋月の ESP32 DevKit-C http://akizukidenshi.com/catalog/g/gM-11819/
- IoT Express (「トランジスタ技術」2017年11月号の基板と aitendo のパーツで作成)
Windows 10 + WSL Ubuntu
$ pwd /home/nishimotz/esp/v1.12 $ ls -l total 1920 -rwxrwxrwx 1 nishimotz nishimotz 1408544 Dec 25 10:33 esp32-idf4-20191225-v1.12-5-g42e45bd69.bin $ sudo /usr/local/bin/python3.8 -m pip install esptool $ esptool.py esptool.py v2.8 途中略 $ esptool.py --port /dev/ttyS8 erase_flash Erasing flash (this may take a while)... Chip erase completed successfully in 4.3s Hard resetting via RTS pin... $ esptool.py --chip esp32 --port /dev/ttyS8 write_flash -z 0x1000 esp32-idf4-20191225-v1.12-5-g42e45bd69.bin Wrote 1408544 bytes (894648 compressed) at 0x00001000 in 78.7 seconds (effective 143.1 kbit/s)... Hash of data verified. Leaving... Hard resetting via RTS pin...
MicroPython v1.12-5-g42e45bd69 on 2019-12-25; ESP32 module with ESP32 Type "help()" for more information. >>>
iPod touch の LightBlue アプリで見守りつつ下記を実行する。
>>> from ubluetooth import BLE >>> ble = BLE() >>> ble.active(True) I (59560) BTDM_INIT: BT controller compile version [a482cda] I (66078) system_api: Base MAC address is not set, read default base MAC address from BLK0 of EFUSE I (66178) phy: phy_version: 4102, 2fa7a43, Jul 15 2019, 13:06:06, 0, 0 GAP procedure initiated: stop advertising. True >>> ble.gap_advertise(100, adv_data='Python') GAP procedure initiated: advertise; disc_mode=2 adv_channel_map=7 own_addr_type=0 adv_filter_policy=0 adv_itvl_min=0 adv_itvl_max=0
LightBlue に ESP32 というペリフェラルが見える(ことがある)。
だが Advertisement data が No になっている。
examples を動かす
素直にソースコードから examples を探そう。
- ble_advertising.py
- ble_temperature.py
ファイルをデバイスにコピーして実行するので WSL から ampy を使う。
TeraTerm で COM7 でつながったので ttyS7 を指定する。
$ sudo /usr/local/bin/python3.8 -m pip install adafruit-ampy $ export AMPY_PORT=/dev/ttyS7
main.py を作る
$ cat main.py from ble_temperature import demo demo()
TeraTerm が disconnect の状態で、WSL から下記を実行
$ ampy put ble_advertising.py $ ampy put ble_temperature.py $ ampy put main.py
コンソールを見ながらやりたいので TeraTerm から connect して、デバイスの RESET を押す。
ここでは Android アプリの BLE Scanner (Bluepixel) を使ってみる。
mpy-temp という名前のデバイスが見つかった。
connect すると
という READ / NOTIFY できる項目がある。
NOTIFY を有効にすると10秒ごとに値が更新される。
Alert サービス
ble_temperature を流用して Alert サービスが作れることを確認した。
# ble_alert.py import bluetooth import struct import time from ble_advertising import advertising_payload from micropython import const import machine _IRQ_CENTRAL_CONNECT = const(1 << 0) _IRQ_CENTRAL_DISCONNECT = const(1 << 1) _IRQ_GATTS_WRITE = const(1 << 2) _ALERT_UUID = bluetooth.UUID(0x1802) _ALERT_CHAR = (bluetooth.UUID(0x2a06), bluetooth.FLAG_WRITE,) _ALERT_SERVICE = (_ALERT_UUID, (_ALERT_CHAR,),) _ADV_APPEARANCE = const(768) class BLEAlert: def __init__(self, ble, name='mpy-alert', update_alert=None): self._update_alert = update_alert self._ble = ble self._ble.active(True) self._ble.irq(handler=self._irq) ((self._handle,),) = self._ble.gatts_register_services((_ALERT_SERVICE,)) self._connections = set() self._payload = advertising_payload(name=name, services=[_ALERT_UUID], appearance=_ADV_APPEARANCE) self._advertise() def _irq(self, event, data): if event == _IRQ_CENTRAL_CONNECT: conn_handle, _, _, = data self._connections.add(conn_handle) elif event == _IRQ_CENTRAL_DISCONNECT: conn_handle, _, _, = data self._connections.remove(conn_handle) self._advertise() elif event == _IRQ_GATTS_WRITE: conn_handle, attr_handle = data data = self._ble.gatts_read(self._handle) value = struct.unpack('<b', data)[0] if self._update_alert: self._update_alert(value) def _advertise(self, interval_us=500000): self._ble.gap_advertise(interval_us, adv_data=self._payload) def demo(): pin2 = machine.Pin(2, machine.Pin.OUT) pin2.value(0) def update_alert(value): pin2.value(1 if value else 0) ble = bluetooth.BLE() alert = BLEAlert(ble, update_alert=update_alert) while True: time.sleep_ms(1000) if __name__ == '__main__': demo()
これで BLE Scanner から mpy-alert が見つかり、接続でき、1か2を書き込むと IO2 の LED が点灯する。
_ADV_APPEARANCE は ble_temperature と同じ値を使っているが、ちゃんと調べるべき。
インターフェース 2018年1月号 / 2018年9月号 (2017)
2017年11月25日発売 CQ出版 Interface(インターフェース) 2018年1月号に寄稿しました
「第4部 マイコンPython無線センシング実験室」
<html> <iframe style="width:120px;height:240px;" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" src="https://rcm-fe.amazon-adsystem.com/e/cm?ref=qf_sp_asin_til&t=r4wh-22&m=amazon&o=9&p=8&l=as1&IS1=1&detail=1&asins=B0776K46DV&linkId=4eb4e1754833c75c1e83398814d4cc1e&bc1=FFFFFF<1=_blank&fc1=333333&lc1=0066C0&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr">
電子工作のためのPython (2017)
ESP8266 port
更新記録:2016-10-17 v1.8.5 で動作確認
Adafruit の解説とビデオ
esp8266-20161017-v1.8.5.bin をダウンロード。
入手したもの:スイッチサイエンス ESPr One(Arduino Uno同一形状 ESP-WROOM-02開発ボード)
- WiFi 内蔵
- USB で書き込み・通信・電源供給
- 税込みで約3000円
IDE からスケッチの書き込みはいちおう確認
MicroPython on the ESP8266
いつもの MacPorts 環境にまず esptool を入れる
esptool は Python 3.x 未対応らしい。
$ sudo python2 -m pip install esptool $ which esptool.py /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/esptool.py
ESPr One を USB で Mac に接続。
シリアルポート確認は ls /dev/cu* で可能。
$ esptool.py -p /dev/cu.usbserial-DN01J32J flash_id esptool.py v1.1 Connecting... Manufacturer: a1 Device: 4016 $ esptool.py -p /dev/cu.usbserial-DN01J32J chip_id esptool.py v1.1 Connecting... Chip ID: 0x00082ed6 $ esptool.py -p /dev/cu.usbserial-DN01J32J read_mac esptool.py v1.1 Connecting... MAC: 5c:cf:7f:08:2e:d6
$ esptool.py -p /dev/cu.usbserial-DN01J32J --baud 460800 write_flash --flash_size=8m 0 esp8266-20161017-v1.8.5.bin esptool.py v1.1 Connecting... Running Cesanta flasher stub... Flash params set to 0x0020 Writing 565248 @ 0x0... 565248 (100 %) Wrote 565248 bytes at 0x0 in 14.7 seconds (307.6 kbit/s)... Leaving...
Arduino IDE のシリアルモニタで
- 自動スクロール
- 改行 CRおよびLF
- 115200 bps
>>> a = 'hello' >>> a[-1] 'o' >>>
チュートリアルによるとすでに WiFi が有効になっているらしい:
WebREPL daemon started on ws:// Started webrepl in setup mode could not open file 'main.py' for reading MicroPython v1.8.4-10-gbc28ac8 on 2016-09-09; ESP module with ESP8266 Type "help()" for more information. >>> help() Welcome to MicroPython! For online docs please visit http://docs.micropython.org/en/latest/esp8266/ . For diagnostic information to include in bug reports execute 'import port_diag'. Basic WiFi configuration: import network sta_if = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF); sta_if.active(True) sta_if.scan() # Scan for available access points sta_if.connect("<AP_name>", "<password>") # Connect to an AP sta_if.isconnected() # Check for successful connection # Change name/password of ESP8266's AP: ap_if = network.WLAN(network.AP_IF) ap_if.config(essid="<AP_NAME>", authmode=network.AUTH_WPA_WPA2_PSK, password="<password>") Control commands: CTRL-A -- on a blank line, enter raw REPL mode CTRL-B -- on a blank line, enter normal REPL mode CTRL-C -- interrupt a running program CTRL-D -- on a blank line, do a soft reset of the board CTRL-E -- on a blank line, enter paste mode For further help on a specific object, type help(obj) >>> import esp >>> esp.check_fw() size: 562812 md5: d7157c7b8c04bc252192de49358543fb True >>> import port_diag FlashROM: Flash ID: 1640a1 (Vendor: a1 Device: 4016) Flash bootloader data: Byte @2: 00 Byte @3: 40 (Flash size: 4MB Flash freq: 40MHZ) Firmware checksum: size: 562812 md5: d7157c7b8c04bc252192de49358543fb True Networking: STA ifconfig: ('', '', '', '') AP ifconfig: ('', '', '', '') Free WiFi driver buffers of type: 0: 8 1: 0 2: 8 3: 4 4: 7 lwIP PCBs: Active PCB states: Listen PCB states: Local port 8266, foreign port 20480 snd_nxt 258 rcv_nxt 1073707032 State: LISTEN TIME-WAIT PCB states:
screen & picocom
Auduino IDE シリアルモニタを使わなくても以下でアクセスできる:
$ screen /dev/cu.usbserial-DN01J32J 115200
screen を終了するには control+A K という話
$ sudo port install picocom $ which picocom /opt/local/bin/picocom $ picocom --baud 115200 /dev/cu.usbserial-DN01J32J
picocom を終了するには Ctrl+A Ctrl+X
Raspbian で作業する
Raspberry Pi 3 の USB ポートに ESPr One をつなぐ。
$ sudo apt-get install picocom $ sudo python2 -m pip install esptool $ esptool.py -p /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 460800 write_flash --flash_size=8m 0 esp8266-20161030-v1.8.5-82-ge429daa.bin $ picocom --baud 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0
LED1 の点滅
>>> import machine >>> pin14 = machine.Pin(14, machine.Pin.OUT) >>> pin14.value(1) # 点灯 >>> pin14.value(0) # 消灯
https://www.switch-science.com/catalog/2620/ に「LED1 本ボードではデジタル14番ピン」と書いてある。
PWM でだんだん明るくなる:
>>> pwm14 = machine.PWM(pin14) >>> pwm14.freq(500) >>> import time >>> for i in range(1024): ... time.sleep(0.01) ... pwm14.duty(i)
>>> def callback(p): ... print('pin change', p) ... >>> pin0 = machine.Pin(0, machine.Pin.IN) >>> pin0.irq(trigger=machine.Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler=callback) <IRQ>
MODE ボタンを押すと:
>>> pin change Pin(0)
CPU クロック
>>> machine.freq() 80000000
>>> rtc = machine.RTC() >>> rtc.datetime() (2000, 1, 1, 5, 0, 38, 16, 87) >>> rtc.datetime() (2000, 1, 1, 5, 0, 38, 35, 869) >>> rtc.datetime() (2000, 1, 1, 5, 0, 38, 47, 423)
>>> import os >>> os.listdir() ['boot.py']
シリアル接続のターミナルで WebREPL を初期化すると、以後の作業は WebREPL だけで可能になる。
作業環境の WiFi ルーターにクライアントとして繋がるようにしておく。 そしてデフォルトの AP モードの接続を止めてやる。
>>> import network >>> sta_if = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) >>> sta_if.active() True >>> sta_if.ifconfig() ('', '', '', '') >>> ap_if = network.WLAN(network.AP_IF) >>> ap_if.active(False) >>> ap_if.active() False
ここでは でルーターに繋がったこととする。
MicroPython v1.8.5-10-g0e69e6b on 2016-10-17; ESP module with ESP8266 Type "help()" for more information. >>> import webrepl >>> webrepl.start() WebREPL daemon started on ws:// WebREPL daemon started on ws:// Started webrepl in normal mode >>>
webrepl.html を Firefox で開く。
と書いて [connect] ボタンを押すと接続できて、下記のようになる:
Welcome to MicroPython! Welcome to MicroPython WebREPL! This is the first time you connect to WebREPL, so please set a password to use for the following WebREPL sessions. Once you enter the password twice, your board will reboot with WebREPL running in active mode. On some boards, you may need to press reset button or reconnect power. New password: ****** Confirm password: ****** Password successfully set, restarting... Disconnected
WebREPL daemon started on ws:// Started webrepl in normal mode could not open file 'main.py' for reading MicroPython v1.8.4-10-gbc28ac8 on 2016-09-09; ESP module with ESP8266 Type "help()" for more information. >>>
もういちど WebREPL で [connect] を押すと:
WebREPL connection from: ('', 53893)
Welcome to MicroPython! Password: WebREPL connected >>>
ここで USB ケーブルを Mac から抜いて、ただの電源アダプタにつないでやる。
するとさきほど設定した情報で WiFi ルーターに再接続されるので、Mac から WebREPL に再接続できる。
darwin (Mac) port
Mac のネイティブ実行ファイルとしてビルドする:
$ git clone https://github.com/micropython/micropython.git $ cd micropython/ $ git submodule update --init $ cd unix $ make axtls $ make $ ./micropython MicroPython v1.8.4-120-g99d62c4 on 2016-10-04; darwin version Use Ctrl-D to exit, Ctrl-E for paste mode >>> list(5 * x + y for x in range(10) for y in [4, 2, 1]) [4, 2, 1, 9, 7, 6, 14, 12, 11, 19, 17, 16, 24, 22, 21, 29, 27, 26, 34, 32, 31, 39, 37, 36, 44, 42, 41, 49, 47, 46] >>>
UNIX port
since 2016-12-07
updated on 2018-05-12
Windows Subsystem for Linux (Ubuntu) で検証。
$ sudo apt-get install pkg-config libffi-dev $ cd ports/unix $ make axtls $ make LINK micropython text data bss dec hex filename 2 0 0 2 2 build/build/frozen.o 5006 3735 0 8741 2225 build/build/frozen_mpy.o 391947 5920 2456 400323 61bc3 micropython $ ./micropython MicroPython v1.9.3-637-gaeaace0 on 2018-05-12; linux version Use Ctrl-D to exit, Ctrl-E for paste mode >>> $ sudo make install Use make V=1 or set BUILD_VERBOSE in your environment to increase build verbosity. install -d /usr/local/bin install micropython /usr/local/bin/micropython $ which micropython /usr/local/bin/micropython $ micropython -m upip -h upip - Simple PyPI package manager for MicroPython Usage: micropython -m upip install [-p <path>] <package>... | -r <requirements.txt> import upip; upip.install(package_or_list, [<path>]) If <path> is not given, packages will be installed into sys.path[1] (can be set from MICROPYPATH environment variable, if current system supports that). Current value of sys.path[1]: /home/nishimotz/.micropython/lib Note: only MicroPython packages (usually, named micropython-*) are supported for installation, upip does not support arbitrary code in setup.py.
since 2018-05-12
$ micropython -m upip install micropython-pystone_lowmem Installing to: /home/nishimotz/.micropython/lib/ Warning: pypi.org SSL certificate is not validated Installing micropython-pystone_lowmem 3.4.2-4 from https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/2b/e9/cd38fe0fe0024193e6b8132b8c370c28ccd4bd8fae92dd5ae3b54d08768f/micropython-pystone_lowmem-3.4.2-4.tar.gz $ micropython MicroPython v1.9.3-637-gaeaace0 on 2018-05-12; linux version Use Ctrl-D to exit, Ctrl-E for paste mode >>> import pystone_lowmem >>> pystone_lowmem.main() Pystone(1.2) time for 500 passes = 6ms This machine benchmarks at 83333 pystones/second >>>
$ pwd path-to/micropython/ports/unix $ ls modules/ upip.py upip_utarfile.py $ micropython -m upip install -p modules micropython-pystone_lowmem Installing to: modules/ $ ls modules/ pystone_lowmem.py upip.py upip_utarfile.py $ make clean $ make axtls $ make $ sudo make install $ rm ~/.micropython/lib/* $ micropython MicroPython v1.9.3-637-gaeaace0 on 2018-05-12; linux version Use Ctrl-D to exit, Ctrl-E for paste mode >>> import pystone_lowmem >>> pystone_lowmem.main() Pystone(1.2) time for 500 passes = 6ms This machine benchmarks at 83333 pystones/second >>>
MicroPython ESP32 (2017)
since 2017-03-25
入手した dev board (1月末に購入したまま放置していた)
秋月の dev board には後述する Blue LED がないらしい。
うまく行く方法を知りたい人は Ubuntu でやり直すところまで読み飛ばしてください。
Windows 10 から
結末としては、FLASH のオプションを変えてビルドしなそうとしたら、ものすごく遅くなって、終わりそうにないので諦めた。
ESP-IDF setup (Windows)
step2 だけでいいと書いてある。
MSYS2 は Git for Windows に入っているものだと make がないので。。
"C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\bash"
の msys32\msys2_shell.cmd を実行したターミナルで、以下の作業を行う。
$ pwd /c/work/esp32 $ git clone --recursive https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf.git Cloning into 'esp-idf'... remote: Counting objects: 20248, done. remote: Total 20248 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 20247 Receiving objects: 100% (20248/20248), 15.32 MiB | 1.11 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (13538/13538), done. Checking out files: 100% (1955/1955), done. Submodule 'components/aws_iot/aws-iot-device-sdk-embedded-C' (https://github.com/espressif/aws-iot-device-sdk-embedded-C.git) registered for path 'components/aws_iot/aws-iot-device-sdk-embedded-C' Submodule 'components/bt/lib' (https://github.com/espressif/esp32-bt-lib.git) registered for path 'components/bt/lib' Submodule 'components/coap/libcoap' (https://github.com/obgm/libcoap.git) registered for path 'components/coap/libcoap' Submodule 'components/esp32/lib' (https://github.com/espressif/esp32-wifi-lib.git) registered for path 'components/esp32/lib' Submodule 'components/esptool_py/esptool' (https://github.com/espressif/esptool.git) registered for path 'components/esptool_py/esptool' Submodule 'components/micro-ecc/micro-ecc' (https://github.com/kmackay/micro-ecc.git) registered for path 'components/micro-ecc/micro-ecc' Cloning into 'C:/work/esp32/esp-idf/components/aws_iot/aws-iot-device-sdk-embedded-C'... Cloning into 'C:/work/esp32/esp-idf/components/bt/lib'... Cloning into 'C:/work/esp32/esp-idf/components/coap/libcoap'... Cloning into 'C:/work/esp32/esp-idf/components/esp32/lib'... Cloning into 'C:/work/esp32/esp-idf/components/esptool_py/esptool'... Cloning into 'C:/work/esp32/esp-idf/components/micro-ecc/micro-ecc'... Submodule path 'components/aws_iot/aws-iot-device-sdk-embedded-C': checked out '7132505b00d2dd57f48478e75efa636021919aae' Submodule path 'components/bt/lib': checked out '9a4bb1d5287572664f170f9df4dbfd71babdfc68' Submodule path 'components/coap/libcoap': checked out '6468887a12666f88b8704d797fc176cd4f40ee4c' Submodule path 'components/esp32/lib': checked out 'c88869b1aca5a062d1ebc5e0199fd8720cb08710' Submodule path 'components/esptool_py/esptool': checked out '907273664ada32fc33f3fbfeba99550512c67e4d' Submodule path 'components/micro-ecc/micro-ecc': checked out '14222e062d77f45321676e813d9525f32a88e8fa'
ESPIDF_SUPHASH := c06cc31d85cc700e1dbddbe527d4282c4bc5845a
$ cd /c/work/esp32/esp-idf $ git checkout c06cc31d85cc700e1dbddbe527d4282c4bc5845a warning: unable to rmdir components/aws_iot/aws-iot-device-sdk-embedded-C: Directory not empty M components/esp32/lib M components/esptool_py/esptool Note: checking out 'c06cc31d85cc700e1dbddbe527d4282c4bc5845a'. You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout. If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example: git checkout -b <new-branch-name> HEAD is now at c06cc31... Merge branch 'bugfix/partition_and_mmap_issues' into 'master'
上の階層に戻って本体を clone する
$ cd .. $ git clone --recursive https://github.com/micropython/micropython-esp32.git Cloning into 'micropython-esp32'... remote: Counting objects: 51026, done.
make する
$ export ESPIDF=/c/work/esp32/esp-idf $ cd micropython-esp32
Git for Windows の MSYS には make がなくてこうなる
$ make -C mpy-cross bash: make: command not found
ちゃんと toolchain を使うと、
$ pwd /c/work/esp32/micropython-esp32 $ make -C mpy-cross make: Entering directory '/c/work/esp32/micropython-esp32/mpy-cross' Use make V=1 or set BUILD_VERBOSE in your environment to increase build verbosity. mkdir -p build/genhdr Generating build/genhdr/mpversion.h GEN build/genhdr/qstr.i.last GEN build/genhdr/qstr.split GEN build/genhdr/qstrdefs.collected.h QSTR updated GEN build/genhdr/qstrdefs.generated.h mkdir -p build/py/ mkdir -p build/py/../extmod/ mkdir -p build/py/../lib/embed/ mkdir -p build/py/../lib/utils/ CC ../py/mpstate.c CC ../py/nlrx86.S CC ../py/nlrx64.S CC ../py/nlrthumb.c CC ../py/nlrxtensa.S CC ../py/nlrsetjmp.c ... CC ../py/../lib/utils/printf.c CC main.c CC gccollect.c LINK mpy-cross text data bss dec hex filename 176137 2624 724 179485 2bd1d mpy-cross make: Leaving directory '/c/work/esp32/micropython-esp32/mpy-cross'
すでに export ESPIDF=/c/work/esp32/esp-idf しているという前提で続き。
$ cd esp32 $ make
... MPY modules/apa106.py MPY modules/dht.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "modules/dht.py", line 1 SyntaxError: invalid syntax make: *** [../py/mkrules.mk:118: build/frozen_mpy/dht.mpy] Error 1
$ cat modules/dht.py ../../esp8266/scripts/dht.py $ ls -la modules/dht.py -rw-r--r-- 1 nishimotz nishimotz 28 Mar 25 12:15 modules/dht.py
git config core.symlinks true しとけばよかったらしい。
clone しなおすのが面倒なのでコピーする。
$ cd modules $ cp ../../esp8266/scripts/dht.py . $ cp ../../esp8266/modules/ds18x20.py . $ cp ../../esp8266/modules/onewire.py .
$ cat urequests.py ../../../micropython-lib/urequests/urequests.py
micropython-lib いるのか
$ cd ../../../ $ git clone https://github.com/micropython/micropython-lib.git $ cd micropython-esp32/esp32/modules $ cp ../../../micropython-lib/urequests/urequests.py .
$ cd .. $ make ... CC /c/work/esp32/esp-idf/components/wpa_supplicant/port/os_xtensa.c LINK build/application.elf text data bss dec hex filename 650793 164104 121328 936225 e4921 build/application.elf Create build/application.bin esptool.py v2.0-beta2 Create build/firmware.bin bootloader 9408 partitions 3072 application 937776 total 1003312
USB-MicroUSB ケーブルで ESP32 ボードをPCにつなぐ。
# Makefile PORT ?= COM4 BAUD ?= 115200
$ make erase Use make V=1 or set BUILD_VERBOSE in your environment to increase build verbosity. Erasing flash esptool.py v2.0-beta2 Connecting........___ Uploading stub... Running stub... Stub running... Erasing flash (this may take a while)... Chip erase completed successfully in 2.2s Hard resetting... $ make deploy Use make V=1 or set BUILD_VERBOSE in your environment to increase build verbosity. Writing build/firmware.bin to the board esptool.py v2.0-beta2 Connecting........___ Uploading stub... Running stub... Stub running... Attaching SPI flash... Configuring flash size... Compressed 1003312 bytes to 546234... Wrote 1003312 bytes (546234 compressed) at 0x00000000 in 48.2 seconds (effective 166.7 kbit/s)... Hash of data verified. Leaving... Hard resetting...
TeraTerm で COM4 につないでリセットしたが、MicroPython 起動せず。
ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57 rst:0x10 (RTCWDT_RTC_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT) configsip: 0, SPIWP:0x00 clk_drv:0x00,q_drv:0x00,d_drv:0x00,cs0_drv:0x00,hd_drv:0x00,wp_drv:0x00 mode:QIO, clock div:2 load:0x3fff0008,len:8 load:0xffffffff,len:-1
esptool.py で頑張ってみる
うまくいかないので esptool.py の動作確認からやり直す。
$ $ESPIDF/components/esptool_py/esptool/esptool.py -h usage: esptool [-h] [--chip {auto,esp8266,esp32}] [--port PORT] [--baud BAUD] [--before {default_reset,no_reset}] [--after {hard_reset,soft_reset,no_reset}] [--no-stub] {load_ram,dump_mem,read_mem,write_mem,write_flash,run,image_info,make_image,elf2image,read_mac,chip_id,flash_id,read_flash_status,write_flash_status,read_flash,verify_flash,erase_flash,erase_region,version} ... esptool.py v2.0-beta2 - ESP8266 ROM Bootloader Utility positional arguments: {load_ram,dump_mem,read_mem,write_mem,write_flash,run,image_info,make_image,elf2image,read_mac,chip_id,flash_id,read_flash_status,write_flash_status,read_flash,verify_flash,erase_flash,erase_region,version} Run esptool {command} -h for additional help load_ram Download an image to RAM and execute dump_mem Dump arbitrary memory to disk read_mem Read arbitrary memory location write_mem Read-modify-write to arbitrary memory location write_flash Write a binary blob to flash run Run application code in flash image_info Dump headers from an application image make_image Create an application image from binary files elf2image Create an application image from ELF file read_mac Read MAC address from OTP ROM chip_id Read Chip ID from OTP ROM flash_id Read SPI flash manufacturer and device ID read_flash_status Read SPI flash status register write_flash_status Write SPI flash status register read_flash Read SPI flash content verify_flash Verify a binary blob against flash erase_flash Perform Chip Erase on SPI flash erase_region Erase a region of the flash version Print esptool version optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --chip {auto,esp8266,esp32}, -c {auto,esp8266,esp32} Target chip type --port PORT, -p PORT Serial port device --baud BAUD, -b BAUD Serial port baud rate used when flashing/reading --before {default_reset,no_reset} What to do before connecting to the chip --after {hard_reset,soft_reset,no_reset}, -a {hard_reset,soft_reset,no_reset} What to do after esptool.py is finished --no-stub Disable launching the flasher stub, only talk to ROM bootloader. Some features will not be available. $ $ESPIDF/components/esptool_py/esptool/esptool.py -p COM4 -b 115200 flash_id esptool.py v2.0-beta2 Connecting........_ Detecting chip type... ESP32 Uploading stub... Running stub... Stub running... Manufacturer: c8 Device: 4016 Hard resetting...
$ $ESPIDF/components/esptool_py/esptool/esptool.py -p COM4 -b 115200 write_flash 0 build/application.bin esptool.py v2.0-beta2 Connecting........__ Detecting chip type... ESP32 Uploading stub... Running stub... Stub running... Attaching SPI flash... Configuring flash size... Auto-detected Flash size: 4MB Compressed 937776 bytes to 540199... Wrote 937776 bytes (540199 compressed) at 0x00000000 in 47.6 seconds (effective 157.6 kbit/s)... Hash of data verified. Leaving... Hard resetting...
>ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57 rst:0x10 (RTCWDT_RTC_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT) flash read err, 1000 Falling back to built-in command interpreter. OK >
You might need to use FLASH_MODE = dio and FLASH_SIZE = 2MB config settings in your GNUmakefile.
とのことだ。。修正して make からやりなおしかな。。
Ubuntu 16.10 amd64 でやり直した
$ sudo apt-get install git wget make libncurses-dev flex bison gperf python python-serial $ mkdir esp32-setup $ cd esp32-setup $ wget --no-check-certificate https://dl.espressif.com/dl/xtensa-esp32-elf-linux64-1.22.0-61-gab8375a-5.2.0.tar.gz $ cd .. $ mkdir esp $ cd esp $ tar -xzf ../esp32-setup/xtensa-esp32-elf-linux64-1.22.0-61-gab8375a-5.2.0.tar.gz $ cd .. $ export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/esp/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin $ git clone --recursive https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf.git $ cd esp-idf/ $ git checkout c06cc31d85cc700e1dbddbe527d4282c4bc5845a $ cd .. $ git clone --recursive https://github.com/micropython/micropython-esp32.git $ git clone https://github.com/micropython/micropython-lib.git $ export ESPIDF=$HOME/esp/esp-idf $ cd micropython-esp32/ $ make -C mpy-cross $ cd esp32
Makefile を編集。
$ make
最後の make erase / make deploy は root で実行する。
$ su # export ESPIDF=/home/(USERNAME)/esp/esp-idf # make erase # make deploy
FLASH_MODE をちゃんと設定すればすんなり動いた。
Download the DOIT dev-board schematic here と書かれているところから回路図を参照。GPIO2 が青いLEDであることを把握。
I (1298) heap_alloc_caps: Initializing. RAM available for dynamic allocation: I (1299) heap_alloc_caps: At 3FFD02B0 len 0000FD50 (63 KiB): DRAM I (1308) heap_alloc_caps: At 3FFE8000 len 00018000 (96 KiB): D/IRAM I (1330) heap_alloc_caps: At 40099F20 len 000060E0 (24 KiB): IRAM I (1351) cpu_start: Pro cpu up. I (1362) cpu_start: Single core mode I (1375) cpu_start: Pro cpu start user code I (1436) cpu_start: Starting scheduler on PRO CPU. could not open file 'boot.py' for reading could not open file 'main.py' for reading MicroPython v1.8.6-645-gf3913bf-dirty on 2017-03-26; ESP32 module with ESP32 Type "help()" for more information. >>> import machine >>> pin2 = machine.Pin(2,machine.Pin.OUT) >>> pin2.value(1) >>> pin2.value(0)
WSL で作業する
- Windows 10 version 1709 + WSL Ubuntu 16.04 なら USB シリアルを使用できる
- シンボリックリンクがあるので git checkout するときに /mnt/c を使わない方が無難
- BAUD=115200 を指定しないと接続が不安定という印象
Windows COM4 に書き込みをする場合
$ export PORT=/dev/ttyS4 $ export BAUD=115200 $ sudo chmod 777 $PORT $ cd ~/esp/micropython/ports/esp32 $ make erase $ make deploy
since 2018-04-20
インターフェース1月号では upysh を紹介したが m5stack のファームには upysh が入っていないようだ。
かわりに ampy を使うと便利かも知れない。
前述の WSL 環境
$ which python3 /usr/bin/python3 $ sudo python3 -m pip install adafruit-ampy $ which ampy /usr/local/bin/ampy $ export AMPY_BAUD=115200 $ export AMPY_PORT=/dev/ttyS6 $ sudo chmod 777 $AMPY_PORT $ ampy ls boot.py
baud は設定した方が安定するようだ。
BOOT スイッチ
- 押してない状態 : pin0 = 1
- 押した状態 : pin0 = 0
>>> import machine >>> pin0 = machine.Pin(0,machine.Pin.IN) >>> pin0.value() 1 >>> pin0.value() 0
EN スイッチを押すとリブートする(逆じゃないのか)
D12 にリード線をつなぐ
import machine import time t = machine.TouchPad(machine.Pin(12)) while True: time.sleep(0.1) print(t.read())
1390 1388 1382 196 195 191 195 191 196 191 195 191
Raspberry Pi 3
since 2017-12-12