liblouis はオープンソースの点訳エンジン。
since 2023-04-19
GPT-4 に解説させつつ liblouis で実際に動作を確認したメモ
middle of a word
midword bb 23 ribbon ⠗⠊⠆⠕⠝
"and" は ⠯ で表現されます。
"for" は ⠿ で表現されます。
"with" は ⠺ で表現されます。
en-ueb-g2.ctb に例えば下記がある
# and always and 12346
always for 123456
単語 "for" が点字パターン⠿で短縮されています。
always with 23456
単語 "with" を点字の短縮形で表現するルールです。ドット2, 3, 4, 5, 6の組み合わせである点字パターン⠺で "with" が表現されます。
input bread and butter looking for a solution I agree with you output (en-ueb-g2) ⠃⠗⠂⠙ ⠯ ⠃⠥⠞⠞⠻ ⠇⠕⠕⠅⠬ ⠿ ⠁ ⠎⠕⠇⠥⠰⠝ ⠠⠊ ⠁⠛⠗⠑⠑ ⠾ ⠽ output (en-us-g2) ⠃⠗⠂⠙ ⠯ ⠃⠥⠞⠞⠻ ⠇⠕⠕⠅⠬ ⠿⠁ ⠎⠕⠇⠥⠰⠝ ⠠⠊ ⠁⠛⠗⠑⠑ ⠾ ⠽
Linux のアクセシビリティ対応、 NVDA 、DAISY パイプラインなどで使われている。
ライセンスはLesser GPL。
- nvdajp/liblouis の CI を回しているが nvdajp/nvdajp にはテーブルファイルを個別に組み込んでいる
- 関連アプリケーション BrailleBlaster
Debian 系 Linux には liblouis-bin liblouis-utils などのパッケージがあるようだ。
NVDA は独自に scons でビルドしている。
- nvdaHelper/liblouis/sconscript
- lou_translate : コマンドラインのツール。テスト用のツールで、実用的ではないとのこと。
GNOME Orca の情報
Linux Subsystem for Windows
since 2017-08-13
Windows 10 64bit (Version 1703) + Linux Subsystem for Windows で作業。
ただし LSW を作ったのは 1607 のときだったので Ubuntu 14.04 相当。
nvdajp で fork した liblouis を使う。
$ sudo apt-get install -y --force-yes make autoconf automake libtool pkg-config $ sudo apt-get install -y --force-yes texinfo $ sudo apt-get install -y --force-yes libyaml-dev
$ git clone git@github.com:nvdajp/liblouis.git $ cd liblouis/ $ sh autogen.sh $ ./configure --enable-ucs4 $ make $ make check
(omitted) PASS: backtranslate PASS: backtranslate_noUndefinedDots PASS: backtranslate_partialTrans PASS: backtranslate_with_letsign PASS: capitalization PASS: capitalized_with_sentance PASS: capitalized_word PASS: checkTable PASS: check_metadata XFAIL: compbrlAtCursor PASS: emphclass XFAIL: en_gb_g1_italics PASS: findTable PASS: getTable PASS: hash_collision PASS: hyphenate_achena PASS: hyphenate_alderen PASS: hyphenate_straightforward PASS: hyphenate_xxx PASS: inpos PASS: inpos_compbrl PASS: inpos_match_replace XFAIL: lastworditalafter PASS: letterDefTest PASS: logging PASS: outpos PASS: pass0_typebuf PASS: pass1Only PASS: pass2 PASS: pass2_inpos XFAIL: present_progressive PASS: resolve_table XFAIL: squash_space PASS: typeform PASS: typeform_for_emphclass PASS: uplow_with_unicode PASS: check_all_tables.pl PASS: check_endless_loop.pl PASS: check_included_tables.sh PASS: multiple_table_path.pl XFAIL: ueb_test_data.pl PASS: yaml/ar-ar-g1_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/ar-fa_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/back_cont_then_punc.yaml PASS: yaml/begcaps_endcaps.yaml PASS: yaml/capsnocont.yaml PASS: yaml/capsword_for_back.yaml PASS: yaml/chr-us-g1_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/before_begmidword.yaml PASS: yaml/da-dk-g08.yaml PASS: yaml/da-dk-g16.yaml PASS: yaml/da-dk-g16-dictionary_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/da-dk-g16-lit.yaml PASS: yaml/da-dk-g18-dictionary_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/da-dk-g18.yaml PASS: yaml/da-dk-g26.yaml PASS: yaml/da-dk-g26-dictionary_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/da-dk-g26-lit.yaml PASS: yaml/da-dk-g26l.yaml PASS: yaml/da-dk-g26l-lit.yaml PASS: yaml/da-dk-g28-dictionary_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/da-dk-g28.yaml PASS: yaml/da-dk-g28l.yaml PASS: yaml/el-backward.yaml PASS: yaml/el-forward.yaml PASS: yaml/emphasis-full.yaml PASS: yaml/emphasis-no-context.yaml PASS: yaml/en-GB-g2_backward.yaml PASS: yaml/en-GB-g2_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/en-gb-g1_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/en-ueb-02-stand_alone.yaml PASS: yaml/en-ueb-03-symbols.yaml PASS: yaml/en-ueb-05-grade_1_mode.yaml PASS: yaml/en-ueb-06-numeric_mode.yaml PASS: yaml/en-ueb-08-capitalization.yaml PASS: yaml/en-ueb-09-typeforms.yaml PASS: yaml/en-ueb-10-07-contractions.yaml PASS: yaml/en-ueb-10-13-contractions.yaml PASS: yaml/en-ueb-g1_backward.yaml PASS: yaml/en-ueb-g1_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/en-ueb-g2-dictionary_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/en-ueb-g2_backward.yaml PASS: yaml/en-ueb-g2_backward_no_dis.yaml PASS: yaml/en-ueb-math.yaml PASS: yaml/en-ueb-symbols_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/en-us-comp8-ext-back_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/en-us-comp8-ext-for_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/en-us-g2-dictionary_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/en-us-g2-end-emphasis_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/eo-g1_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/ethio-g1_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/example_test.yaml PASS: yaml/fa-ir-comp8-harness.yaml PASS: yaml/fa-ir-g1-harness.yaml PASS: yaml/fi_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/foo.yaml PASS: yaml/fr-bfu-comp6.yaml PASS: yaml/fr-bfu-g2_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/fr-fr-g1.yaml PASS: yaml/ga-g1_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/ga-g2_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/hr-8dots_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/hu-hu-comp8_backward.yaml PASS: yaml/hu-hu-comp8_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/hu-hu-g1_backward.yaml PASS: yaml/hu-hu-g1_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/issue-238.yaml PASS: yaml/issue-35.yaml PASS: yaml/iu-ca-g1_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/ko-2006-g2_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/ko-g2_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/letterDefTest_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/lt_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/mn-MN_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/multipass-backward.yaml PASS: yaml/multipass-forward.yaml PASS: yaml/multipass.yaml PASS: yaml/new_emph.yaml PASS: yaml/nl-NL-g0_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/nl-g0_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/no_8dot_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/no_g1_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/no_g2_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/no_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/nocross_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/noletsignafter.yaml PASS: yaml/pl-pl-comp8_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/sr-g1_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/syllable.yaml PASS: yaml/ta-ta-g1_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/vi-g1_backward.yaml PASS: yaml/vi-g1_harness.yaml PASS: yaml/zh-chn.yaml (omitted) ============================================================================ Testsuite summary for Liblouis 3.2.0 ============================================================================ # TOTAL: 133 # PASS: 127 # SKIP: 0 # XFAIL: 6 # FAIL: 0 # XPASS: 0 # ERROR: 0 ============================================================================
YAML テスト
since 2017-10-29
doc/liblouis.txt の 5.7 lou_checkyaml に書いてある。
特定の YAML を単体でテスト実行するには
$ cd tests $ make check TESTS=yaml/en-ueb-g1_harness.yaml
lou_checkyaml を正しく動作させるには LOUIS_TABLEPATH を設定する、とのこと。
mac ports
since 2012-07-07
liblouis-2.4.1.tar.gz がリリースされているが port で 2.1.1 がインストールされる。
$ sudo port install liblouis Password: ---> Fetching archive for liblouis ---> Attempting to fetch liblouis-2.1.1_0.darwin_11.x86_64.tbz2 from http://packages.macports.org/liblouis ---> Attempting to fetch liblouis-2.1.1_0.darwin_11.x86_64.tbz2.rmd160 from http://packages.macports.org/liblouis ---> Installing liblouis @2.1.1_0 ---> Activating liblouis @2.1.1_0 ---> Cleaning liblouis ---> Updating database of binaries: 100.0% ---> Scanning binaries for linking errors: 100.0% ---> No broken files found. $ which lou_translate /opt/local/bin/lou_translate
$ sudo port install liblouisxml $ which xml2brl /opt/local/bin/xml2brl
Mac OS X Lion
since 2012-07-07
svn checkout http://liblouis.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ liblouis-read-only
ここからは Mac OS X Lion での作業。
$ cd liblouis-read-only $ ./autogen.sh $ ./configure $ make
$ tools/lou_translate --version lou_translate (liblouis) 2.4.1 Copyright (C) 2009 ViewPlus Technologies, Inc. and JJB Software, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>. This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by John J. Boyer. $ tools/lou_translate --help Usage: lou_translate [OPTION] TABLE Translate whatever is on standard input and print it on standard output. It is intended for large-scale testing of the accuracy of Braille translation and back-translation. -h, --help display this help and exit -v, --version display version information and exit -f, --forward forward translation using the given table -b, --backward backward translation using the given table If neither -f nor -b are specified forward translation is assumed
liblouisxml も落としてみる:
svn checkout http://liblouisxml.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ liblouisxml-read-only
$ cd liblouisxml-read-only $ ./autogen.sh $ ./configure $ make
さきほど svn 版を make install しなかったので、どうやら port で入れた liblouis 2.1.1 が使われたらしい:
$ grep louis Makefile | grep "\-llouis" BASE_DEPENDENCIES_LIBS = -L/opt/local/lib -llouis -lxml2
$ ./tools/xml2brl -h Usage: xml2brl [OPTION] [inputFile] [outputFile] Translate an xml or a text file into an embosser-ready braille file. This includes translation into grade two, if desired, mathematical codes, etc. It also includes formatting according to a built-in style sheet which can be modified by the user. If inputFile is not specified or '-' input is taken from stdin. If outputFile is not specified the output is sent to stdout. -h, --help display this help and exit -v, --version display version information and exit -f, --config-file name a configuration file that specifies how to do the translation -b, --backward backward translation -r, --reformat reformat a braille file -p, --poorly-formatted translate a poorly formatted file -t, --html html document, not xhtml -C, --config-setting specify particular configuration settings They override any settings that are specified in a config file -l, --log-file write errors to log file instead of stderr
make install
since 2012-11-18
Mac で port と make install を両方やると下記のような状況になる。
/usr/local は make install したバージョン
$ /usr/local/bin/lou_translate --version /usr/local/bin/lou_translate (liblouis) 2.5.1 Copyright (C) 2012 ViewPlus Technologies, Inc. and JJB Software, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>. This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by John J. Boyer.
/opt/local は port でいれたバージョン
$ /opt/local/bin/lou_translate --version /opt/local/bin/lou_translate (liblouis) 2.1.1 Copyright (C) 2009 ViewPlus Technologies, Inc. and JJB Software, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>. This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by John J. Boyer.
since 2012-07-08
基本的に cygwin でもビルド方法は同じ。
以下の作業の結果、無事に liblouis の autogen, configure, make ができて、make install にも成功した。
- svn は Windows バイナリではなく cygwin のコマンドを使う
- autoconf 系のツール、libtool をちゃんと入れる
$ which lou_translate /usr/local/bin/lou_translate
$ echo "How are you?" | lou_translate en-us-g2.ctb ,h{ >e y8
cygwin + liblouisxml
configure でエラーになる。
No package 'liblouis' found No package 'libxml-2.0' found
pc ファイルはあった:
$ ls /usr/local/lib/ liblouis.a liblouis.dll.a liblouis.la pkgconfig $ ls /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/ liblouis.pc $ cat /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/liblouis.pc prefix=/usr/local exec_prefix=${prefix} libdir=${exec_prefix}/lib includedir=${prefix}/include tablesdir=${prefix}/share/liblouis/tables Name: liblouis Description: a braille translator and back-translator Version: 2.4.1 Requires: Libs: -L${libdir} -llouis Cflags: -I${includedir}/liblouis
$ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig $ pkg-config --cflags liblouis -I/usr/local/include/liblouis
cygwin パッケージで libxml2 と libxml2-devel を入れた:
$ pkg-config --cflags libxml-2.0 -I/usr/include/libxml2
configure 成功、make, make install できた:
$ which xml2brl /usr/local/bin/xml2brl $ xml2brl -h Usage: xml2brl [OPTION] [inputFile] [outputFile] Translate an xml or a text file into an embosser-ready braille file. This includes translation into grade two, if desired, mathematical codes, etc. It also includes formatting according to a built-in style sheet which can be modified by the user. If inputFile is not specified or '-' input is taken from stdin. If outputFile is not specified the output is sent to stdout. -h, --help display this help and exit -v, --version display version information and exit -f, --config-file name a configuration file that specifies how to do the translation -b, --backward backward translation -r, --reformat reformat a braille file -p, --poorly-formatted translate a poorly formatted file -t, --html html document, not xhtml -C, --config-setting specify particular configuration settings They override any settings that are specified in a config file -l, --log-file write errors to log file instead of stderr
点訳も逆変換もできるテストプログラム。出力は独自の ASCII コードのようだ。
英語1級点字 および 英語2級点字 での動作確認:
$ echo "Welcome to NVDA Japanese team." | ./tools/lou_translate tables/en-us-g1.ctb ,welcome to ,,nvda ,japanese team4 $ echo "Welcome to NVDA Japanese team." | ./tools/lou_translate tables/en-us-g2.ctb ,welcome 6,,nvda ,japanese t1m4 $ echo "123456" | ./tools/lou_translate tables/en-us-g1.ctb #abcdef $ echo "This launcher can be downloaded from i.nvda.jp" | ./tools/lou_translate tables/en-us-g1.ctb ,this launcher can be downloaded from i.nvda.jp $ echo "This launcher can be downloaded from i.nvda.jp" | ./tools/lou_translate tables/en-us-g2.ctb ,? laun*} c 2 d{nload$ f i4nvda4jp
文字化けして ? が出ているわけではなさそうだ:
$ echo "This launcher can be downloaded from i.nvda.jp" | ./tools/lou_translate tables/en-us-g2.ctb |od -t x1 -a 0000000 2c 3f 20 6c 61 75 6e 2a 7d 20 63 20 32 20 64 7b , ? sp l a u n * } sp c sp 2 sp d { 0000020 6e 6c 6f 61 64 24 20 66 20 69 34 6e 76 64 61 34 n l o a d $ sp f sp i 4 n v d a 4 0000040 6a 70 0a j p nl 0000043
$ echo "ABCDE abc 12345" | ./tools/lou_translate tables/latinLetterDef8Dots.uti ABCDE abc
$ echo ",welcome to ,,nvda ,japanese team4" | ./tools/lou_translate -b tables/en-us-g1.ctb Welcome to NVDA Japanese team.
since 2012-11-19
liblouis-liblouisxml ML での議論:
拡張子 ctb と utb の違いは liblouis では無視される。
- utb: uncontracted table
- ctb: contracted table
ただし en-us Grade 1 ファイルは ctb である。すでに en-us-g1.utb という使うべきでない低品質のテーブルがあるから。
since 2012-07-07
nvdajp 2012.2.1jp における点訳テーブルは、事前に Unicode 0x28xx に変換した文字列をそのまま出す処理である。
- 2.5.0 をマージしたらもうひとつ tables のディレクトリがある。。
$ cat tables/nvdajp.ctb # nvdajp.ctb # Japanese braille table by NVDA Japanese Team include unicode.dis include braille-patterns.cti $ echo "⠧⠸⡅⡀⠗⠜⠢⠐" | ./tools/lou_translate tables/nvdajp.ctb \x2827\x2838\x2845\x2840\x2817\x281c\x2822\x2810
ちなみに lou_translate は UTF-8 を標準入力から問題なく受け取っている。
# nvdajp.ctb include latinLetterDef6Dots.uti include digits6Dots.uti sign あ 1 sign い 12 sign う 14 sign え 124 sign お 24
$ echo "あいうえお abcde 12345" | ./tools/lou_translate tables/nvdajp.ctb abcfi abcde abcde
アルファベットの点訳に合わせて え (124) を f と お (24) を i と出力するらしい。
$ echo "123F a A abcABC あいうえお" | ./tools/lou_translate tables/nvdajp.ctb #abc6f a 6a abc66abc abcfi
# latinLetterDef6Dots.uti uplow Aa 1 uplow Bb 12 uplow Cc 14 uplow Dd 145 uplow Ee 15 uplow Ff 124 uplow Gg 1245 uplow Hh 125 uplow Ii 24 uplow Jj 245 sign 6 6 capsign 6 begcaps 6-6 # digits6Dots.uti digit 0 245 digit 1 1 digit 2 12 digit 3 14 digit 4 145 digit 5 15 digit 6 124 digit 7 1245 digit 8 125 digit 9 24 sign # 3456 numsign 3456 sign あ 1 sign い 12 sign う 14 sign え 124 sign お 24
本来は grade 2 の実装に使うという letsign, noletsign 命令で外字符っぽいものを作った:
$ echo "123Abcd a A abcABC あaいbうえおか" | ./tools/lou_translate tables/nvdajp.ctb #123;,abcd ;a ;,a abc,,abc a;ab;bcfi*
数符 # 外字符 ; 大文字符 , だと思って読むと良さそうにみえるが、「あa」と「い」の間に第1つなぎ符(36)を入れる必要がある。。
テーブルは下記の内容。ukchardefs.cti を入れると「文字が未登録」のエラーが出なくなる。 ここでは大文字符が , になっている。
include ukchardefs.cti include latinLetterDef6Dots.uti capsign 6 , begcaps 6-6 ,, letsign 56 ; noletsign 56 ; include digits6Dots.uti numsign 3456 # sign あ 1 sign い 12 sign う 14 sign え 124 sign お 24 sign か 16
after を使う
after letter replace という命令を使ってアルファベットの直後のカナ文字を置換してみた。
第1つなぎ符(36)をハイフンとする定義は ukchardefs.cti に書かれている。
$ echo "123Abcd a A abcABC いあaいbうえおか" | ./tools/lou_translate tables/nvdajp.ctb #123;,abcd ;a ;,a abc,,abc ba;a-b;b-cfi*
# nvdajp.ctb # Japanese braille table by NVDA Japanese Team include ukchardefs.cti All character definition opcodes include latinLetterDef6Dots.uti capsign 6 , begcaps 6-6 ,, letsign 56 ; noletsign 56 ; include digits6Dots.uti numsign 3456 # sign あ 1 sign い 12 sign う 14 sign え 124 sign お 24 sign か 16 after letter replace あ -あ after letter replace い -い after letter replace う -う after letter replace え -え after letter replace お -お after letter replace か -か
$ echo "123Abcd a A abcABC いあaいbうえ、 おか。 あ・ いう。 い? お!" | ./tools/lou_translate tables/nvdajp.ctb #123;,abcd ;a ;,a abc,,abc ba;a-b;b-cf; i*4 a" bc4 b5 i6 $ echo "あんしん、 でしょー。" | ./tools/lou_translate tables/nvdajp.ctb a0|0; "q`|34
include ukchardefs.cti include latinLetterDef6Dots.uti capsign 6 , begcaps 6-6 ,, letsign 56 ; noletsign 56 ; include digits6Dots.uti numsign 3456 # sign あ 1 sign い 12 sign う 14 sign え 124 sign お 24 sign か 16 sign し 1256 sign で 5-12345 sign っ 2 sign ん 356 sign ょ 345 always しょ 4-1256 after letter replace あ -あ after letter replace い -い after letter replace う -う after letter replace え -え after letter replace お -お after letter replace か -か sign 。 256 sign 、 56 sign ・ 5 sign ? 26 sign ! 235 sign ー 25
アルファベットの大文字が複数あって、直後に小文字が来る場合に日本語は endcaps 符号を使えないのでうまくいかない。
en-us-g1 の場合:
$ echo "ABCabc" | ./tools/lou_translate tables/en-us-g1.ctb ,,abc,'abc
$ echo "ABCabc" | ./tools/lou_translate tables/nvdajp.ctb ,,abcabc
begcaps を消すとこうなる:
$ echo "ABCabc" | ./tools/lou_translate tables/nvdajp.ctb ,a,b,cabc
ちょっと手強そうに見える context 機能を試してみる。
$ echo "a b A B abcABCabc ABCabcABC" | ./tools/lou_translate tables/test-context.ctb a ;b ;,a ;,b ;abc,,abc,'abc ;,abc,'abc,,abc
include ukchardefs.cti include latinLetterDef6Dots.uti class lc abc class uc ABC context %uc[]%lc @6-3 context %lc[]%uc @6-6 context "\s"[]%lc @56 context "\s"[]%uc @56-6
MLで質問したら wrapper という拡張モジュールが用意されているが、まだ活用されていないことが分かった。
$ echo "123" | ./tools/lou_translate -w japanese test
Index: liblouis/wrappers.c =================================================================== --- liblouis/wrappers.c (revision 719) +++ liblouis/wrappers.c (working copy) @@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ case 1: return 1; case 2: + wcscpy(outbuf, L"test"); + *outlen = 4; return 1; case 3: return 1; Index: tools/lou_translate.c =================================================================== --- tools/lou_translate.c (revision 719) +++ tools/lou_translate.c (working copy) @@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ static int forward_flag = 0; static int backward_flag = 0; +static int wrapper_flag = 0; static const struct option longopts[] = { @@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ { "version", no_argument, NULL, 'v' }, { "forward", no_argument, NULL, 'f' }, { "backward", no_argument, NULL, 'b' }, + { "wrapper", no_argument, NULL, 'w' }, { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } }; @@ -67,6 +69,9 @@ int k; int ch = 0; int result; + + int mode = 0; + if (wrapper_flag) mode = otherTrans; while (1) { translen = BUFSIZE; @@ -79,10 +84,10 @@ inlen = extParseChars (charbuf, inbuf); if (forward_translation) result = lou_translateString (table_name, inbuf, &inlen, - transbuf, &translen, NULL, NULL, 0); + transbuf, &translen, NULL, NULL, mode); else result = lou_backTranslateString (table_name, inbuf, &inlen, - transbuf, &translen, NULL, NULL, 0); + transbuf, &translen, NULL, NULL, mode); if (!result) break; outputbuf = showString (transbuf, translen); @@ -110,7 +115,8 @@ -f, --forward forward translation using the given table\n\ -b, --backward backward translation using the given table\n\ If neither -f nor -b are specified forward translation\n\ - is assumed\n", stdout); + is assumed\n\ + -w, --wrapper enable wrapper mode\n", stdout); printf ("\n"); printf ("\ Report bugs to <%s>.\n", PACKAGE_BUGREPORT); @@ -123,7 +129,7 @@ set_program_name (argv[0]); - while ((optc = getopt_long (argc, argv, "hvfb", longopts, NULL)) != -1) + while ((optc = getopt_long (argc, argv, "hvfbw", longopts, NULL)) != -1) switch (optc) { /* --help and --version exit immediately, per GNU coding standards. */ @@ -141,6 +147,9 @@ case 'b': backward_flag = 1; break; + case 'w': + wrapper_flag = 1; + break; default: fprintf (stderr, "Try `%s --help' for more information.\n", program_name);
上記の wrapper パッチに対して Boyer さんからお返事をいただいた。
それから liblouisutdml をテストに使ったらよい、というご教示をいただいた。
python binding
since 2012-11-18
doc/liblouis.html の section 4 参照。
cygwin にて svn checkout した liblouis を使う:
$ cd python $ python setup.py install (omitted) Writing /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/louis-2.5.1-py2.6.egg-info
$ python >>> from louis import * >>> translate(['en-us-g1.ctb'], "Aa(b)") (u',aa7b7', [0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 1)
Mac Python
Mac で Python バインディングをやってみる。
$ which python2.7 /opt/local/bin/python2.7 $ sudo python2.7 setup.py install Password: running install running build running build_py creating build creating build/lib creating build/lib/louis copying louis/__init__.py -> build/lib/louis running install_lib creating /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/louis copying build/lib/louis/__init__.py -> /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/louis byte-compiling /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/louis/__init__.py to __init__.pyc running install_egg_info Writing /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/louis-2.5.1-py2.7.egg-info $ python2.7 Python 2.7.3 (default, Oct 1 2012, 09:19:49) [GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple Clang 4.1 ((tags/Apple/clang-421.11.65))] on darwin Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> from louis import * >>> translate(['en-us-g1.ctb'], "Aa(b)") (u'\U0001002c', [0, 0], [1], 1)
なぜか8桁 Unicode に。。
liblouis/tests/harness に JSON で簡単に書けるテストスイートがある。
nose がないとエラーになる。
さらに liblouis の python バインディングが必要。
$ cd tests $ python runHarness.py The harness tests require nose. Skipping...
cygwin で環境を作る。
$ wget http://peak.telecommunity.com/dist/ez_setup.py $ python ez_setup.py $ easy_install nose
Ubuntu 12.10
since 2012-11-25
いろいろ不安なので Linux で自動テストまでやってみたいと思った。
Ubuntu 12.10 desktop i386でまっさらの環境から SVN ソースのコンパイル。
sudo apt-get install subversion autoconf libtool texinfo sudo apt-get install python-setuptools sudo easy_install nose
svn checkout http://liblouis.googlecode.com/svn/tags/liblouis_2_5_1 liblouis-2.5.1 cd liblouis-2.5.1 ./autogen.sh ./configure make sudo make install cd python/ sudo python setup.py install
$ python Python 2.7.3 (default, Sep 26 2012, 21:53:58) [GCC 4.7.2] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> from louis import * >>> translate(['en-us-g1.ctb'], "Aa(b)") (u',aa7b7', [0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 1)
$ python runHarness.py
Cannot open table 'hu-hu-g1.ctb' 1 errors found. unicode.dis,unicode.dis,hu-hu-g1.ctb could not be found or contains errors (omitted) Ran 3203 tests, with 768 failures and 2392 errors.