
bzr vs git

since 2010-12-18

bazaargit の違いについて考える。



Create a new project

To create a standalone branch looks very similar to git:

$ bzr init myproject

However, to create the recommended Bazaar repository/branch structure is slightly more complex:

$ bzr init-repo myproject
$ cd myproject
$ bzr init trunk
## by nishimotz
$ cd trunk
$ echo "hello" > hello.txt
$ bzr add hello.txt
$ bzr commit -m "initial"

Clone a branch

Creating a copy of a branch (whether a clone of a remote branch, or a branch of a local one) is similar to git, but using the branch command rather than clone (for convenience “clone” is aliased to “branch”):

$ cd ..     # operate on branches from the shared repository
$ bzr branch trunk feature-a

以下は Windows での bzr info の実行結果。

myproject は shared repository となっており、trunk と feature-a が myproject を共有している。そして feature-a の parent は trunk になっている。

C:\work\_bzr\myproject>bzr info
Shared repository with trees (format: 2a)
  shared repository: .

C:\work\_bzr\myproject>cd trunk

C:\work\_bzr\myproject\trunk>bzr info
Repository tree (format: 2a)
  shared repository: C:/work/_bzr/myproject
  repository branch: .

C:\work\_bzr\myproject\trunk>cd ..

C:\work\_bzr\myproject>cd feature-a

C:\work\_bzr\myproject\feature-a>bzr info
Repository tree (format: 2a)
  shared repository: C:/work/_bzr/myproject
  repository branch: .

Related branches:
  parent branch: C:/work/_bzr/myproject/trunk